Addison Recorder Mailbag, 1st Edition: Farewell, Dusty

In other news, the byline should probably be: “Holy S%!&, somebody asked a question!”


I speak on behalf of every one of the writers/editors here at the Addison Recorder when I say that we openly welcome your questions, and will always do our best to respond in a timely fashion. (Especially if they keep coming one at a time.) We accept them through email, Facebook, and Twitter. This first and only question comes from Twitter. You’ll excuse me for fleshing it out….slightly.


Dusty fired. Thoughts?

Ryan, Cincinnati”

(Has anyone noticed how much tweeting is like sending ol’ timey telegraphs? All that’s missing is the insertion of the word “”STOP” every three words. Seriously, I expect future tweets to read something like: “Travis, College football this weekend. Stop. Bring chips and guac. Stop. Also, Cherokee look restless. Stop. Expect buffalo crossings at Edgewater. Stop. Alex, Lakeview.”)

(On the other hand, I don’t think that’s 140 characters. Two tweet/telegraphs, maybe.)

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